Black Health Matters!

We need your support. Keep reading to learn how you can contact your local Montgomery County official & request additional funding for the BPHN!

Support BPHN

The Black Physicians and Health Care Network (BPHN), a model program of NCCF and the first of its kind in the Nation, needs your support. In the past year, the BPHN has connected more than 1,600 Montgomery County Black residents with life-changing and culturally-specific physical and mental health services. 

On March 15, 2023, the Montgomery County Executive released the proposed FY24 Operational Budget, allocating a flat budget allotment of $2.5M for the Black Physicians and Healthcare Network (BPHN) to address health inequities and systemic racial discrimination by providing: (1) culturally specific health referrals to an expanding network of Black professionals, (2) navigation of community resources and services, (3) outreach and education, (4) coalition building, and (5) support in acquiring health insurance.

Although the County Executive values the BPHN’s contributions to addressing health disparities and inequities in the Black community, the current proposed budget of $2.5M does not include funding to help minimize the financial barrier to Black County residents receiving health, dental, or mental health, a core element of the BPHN model.

Without additional funding, as of July 1, 2023, the BPHN will not be able to assist Black residents with the following:

  • Copays
  • Insurance coverage gaps
  • Payments for mental health services (*of which many providers nationwide do not accept health insurance)

Let's keep the trust of the Black community of Montgomery County!

A County licensed clinician writes:

We Need your VOICE.

Request that the Montgomery County Council amends the County Executive's Operational Budget for BPHN by awarding an additional $1M to support the provision of health care subsidies for:

  • Health and dental visits for uninsured Black residents who are pending health insurance coverage.
  • Emergency funds for insured Black residents who request support with a co-pay and/ or high-cost deductible due to financial hardship.
  • Emergency and tailored mental health appointments for Black residents who receive services from a Black mental health professional.

There are a number of ways that YOU can let the County Council know the importance of the BPHN's ability to provide health care subsidies in the community, and the positive impact of this culturally tailored program. You can:

  1. Sign our digital petition to be shared with the members of the council.
  2. Email or tweet your County Council member directly (instructions below).
  3. Submit a testimonial to the FY24 budget hearings taking place on April 11th & 13th (see instructions below).
  4. Make a donation to help cover the funding gap.
Sign Petition


As NCCF strives to bridge the financial divide for Black Montgomery County residents in accessing essential health and wellness services, we are faced with the challenge of insufficient funding from Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. Despite this setback, we remain committed to our mission and are pooling our resources to meet the needs of our community. Your support would be invaluable in helping us achieve our goal of breaking down the financial barriers that stand in the way of optimal health for all.


Submit Testimonial:

You can submit a written, audio, or video testimony via the Montgomery County Council site (Click here). We'd also like to post your vid on our webpage and social media. If you approve of us doing so, please submit your video here.

Montgomery County Council Contact Information:

Call, email, or tweet your County representatives using the text below or your own words of support.

(copy the text below)

"I support the Black Physicians and Health Care Network (BPHN) and their efforts to ensure that Montgomery County’s Black residents are connected with culturally specific physical and mental health providers. I request that the County Council amend the County Executive's Operational Budget for BPHN by awarding an additional $1M in order to continue to help minimize the financial barrier to Black County residents receiving health, dental, or mental health care."

Marc Elrich - County Executive

(Executive Assistant)

Twitter: @MontCoExec (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Evan Glass- President

At-Large Member


Twitter: @CMEvanGlass (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Andrew Friedson- Vice President

District 1


Twitter: @Andrew_Friedson (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Gabe Albornoz

At-Large Member


Twitter: @albornoz_gabe (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Marilyn Balcombe

District 2


Twitter: @MarilynBalcombe (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Natali Fani-González

District 6


Twitter: @NataliFGonzalez (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Will Jawando

At-Large Member


Twitter: @CMJawando (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Sidney Katz

District 3


Twitter: @MC_Council_Katz (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Dawn Luedtke

District 7


Twitter: @dawn_luedtke (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Kristin Mink

District 5


Twitter: @CMKristinMink (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Laurie-Anne Sayles

At-Large Member


Twitter: @CM_Sayles (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

Kate Stewart

District 4


Twitter: @cmkatestewart (click on the Twitter handle for a pre-made message)

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