Black adults treated at advanced heart failure centers received potentially life-changing therapies, such as transplants and heart pumps, about half as often as white adults, possibly due to racial bias, a small National Institutes of Health-supported study has found.
Researchers followed 377 patients receiving treatment at one of 21 centers in the U.S. and found that 62 of 277 white adults (22%) received a heart transplant or ventricular assist device, a mechanical device that pumps blood for the heart. In comparison, 11 of 100 Black adults (11%) received these end-stage heart failure therapies, which can extend and improve a patient’s quality of life.
The researchers said the findings, which appear in Circulation: Heart Failure, underscore the importance in strengthening equity in clinical decision-making for the 600,000 Americans – particularly Black adults – who have end-stage heart failure. Prior studies have shown Black adults have a greater risk for heart failure and are twice as likely to die from it.
“The totality of the evidence suggests that we as heart failure providers are perpetuating current inequities,” said Thomas M. Cascino, M.D., the first study author and a cardiologist at the University of Michigan Health Frankel Cardiovascular Center.
“But recognizing disparities isn’t enough,” added Cascino, who is also a clinical instructor in the Division of Cardiovascular Disease at University of Michigan Medical School. “As physicians and healthcare providers, we must find ways to create equitable change.”
For their analysis, the researchers controlled for multiple factors, including disease severity, quality of life, and several social determinants of health, or conditions within the environment where people live that affect health outcomes. They did not find associations between the patients’ race and death rates. Eighteen Black adults (18%) and 36 white adults (13%) died during the study. Importantly, they found that treatment preferences between the two groups were similar. Yet, being Black was associated with a 55% reduced rate for receiving VAD therapy or a heart transplant.
The researchers said the findings expanded on their current understanding of disparities in heart failure treatment by showing that patient treatment preferences did not drive the inequities. They added the notable disparity in treatment that Black and white patients actually received, and the researchers’ inability to explain it by other measures, suggested unconscious bias – and even overt racism and discrimination – among healthcare providers and within the healthcare system itself had likely come into play.
In addition to encouraging training to help healthcare professionals become aware of their biases, the researchers recommend studying ways to standardize advanced heart failure therapy. Using patient registries to identify when and where disparities in clinical care occur could be a start.
To support uniformity in these assessments and other aspects of clinical care, the researchers said medical centers could partner with “disparity experts” who could join cardiology team meetings and identify pivotal decision-making points where bias may creep in.
“Disparity experts can identify these biases and barriers in real-time, provide learning opportunities, and promote equity,” Taddei-Peters said. “This can be especially valuable for centers where the demographics of healthcare providers may not reflect the patients they serve.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 6.2 million Americans have heart failure. Common symptoms may include shortness of breath, swelling in the lower body, such as the legs and ankles, and feeling tired.
Underlying risk factors for heart failure, such as diabetes, can also disproportionately affect Black, American Indian and Alaska Native, and Hispanic adults.
Credits National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Black adults receive less advanced heart failure treatments than white patients,
The BPHN program is a public-private partnership between Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and NCCF, funded primarily by the County with supplemental grants and donations secured by NCCF.
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