Research recently released in the American Journal of Epidemiology's has revealed that studying at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) imparts a beneficial influence on the mental health of African-American students.
For a better understanding of mental health in Black students, the University of Minnesota School of Public Health conducted research to compare outcomes for those attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with those attending predominantly white institutions (PWIs).
Although the effects of institutional racism on Black students' academic achievements are understood, the same cannot be said for its impact on their mental health. The research addressed this issue to further shed light on the situation.
“HBCUs are an essential part of higher education, but there has been little research examining how attending an HBCU versus a PWI is associated with mental health for Black students,” Naomi Thyden, an author of the study, said.
“This research provides evidence that the HBCU environment can have a positive impact on long-term mental health outcomes for Black students.”
The researchers followed nearly 500 Black students from high school through college and for a number of years after graduation.
Among participants who went through depression in their teens, those who attended HBCUs reported fewer depressive symptoms seven years after college than those who attended primarily white institutions.
Equitable government funding should be provided to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). It was further suggested by investigators that predominantly white universities emulate aspects of HBCUs, including engaging Black faculty members as mentors, offering more student spaces specific for African Americans, as well as making their curriculum more accommodating instead of just concentrating on a single perspective.
Connect with a black therapist today if you are experiencing any structural racism.
Credits Nigel Roberts Study: Attending HBCUs Has Positive Mental Health Outcomes For Black Students,
The BPHN program is a public-private partnership between Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and NCCF, funded primarily by the County with supplemental grants and donations secured by NCCF.
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