Relaxation may not eliminate the source of your tension or worry. However, it can give you a mental break from your struggles and help you refocus.
Here are five relaxation tips you can integrate into your everyday life.
Take a break
Relaxation does not have to take up a lot of your time; simply spending a few minutes away from anything stressful, or taking time away from your typical routines and thoughts, can provide you with enough space and distance to feel calmer.
Do breathwork
Learning to breathe more deeply can make you calmer simply by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and place your hand on your stomach – it should rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out.
Spend time in nature
Nature can generate many positive emotions, such as calmness, joy, and creativity, and facilitate concentration. Nature connectedness is also associated with lower levels of poor mental health, notably lower depression and anxiety.
Listen to music
Listening to music activates both sides of your brain. It helps connect you to your emotions and distract you from worrying thoughts. Pick something you can sing along to because time flies when you are having a good time.
Do a tech check
Taking a break from technology can help you relax, even if it is only short. Have an evening where you don't check emails or social networks. Reducing your screen time allows you to make social connections.
Connecting with others is crucial for us to feel cared for. Children look to their caregivers for this sense of belonging; adults may find it within their families and friends. Devices can damage these relationships.
Credits, How could relaxation help me,
The BPHN program is a public-private partnership between Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and NCCF, funded primarily by the County with supplemental grants and donations secured by NCCF.
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