It is that time of the year again where we recognize Black Americans' history, culture, and contributions.
This February is an opportunity to reconcile with the past, pave the way for a more just future, and celebrate all the amazing figures who have taken their place in the annals of Black History.
Many of us are woefully unaware of the depth, breadth, and relevance of Black history. While we still work to remind our loved ones and colleagues that the need for racial justice is as present and persistent as ever, it's also difficult to comprehend just how recently so much of Black history has taken place.
In fact, the origins of Black History Month developed just a little over 60 years after the 13th Amendment was ratified. In 1926, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History sponsored a national “Negro History Week,” coinciding with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass in the second week of February.
Whether you want a primer on Black history, or you want to dive into a specific niche (like music, film, or activism), there’s almost certainly a documentary out there for you to check out. Here are a few films for recommended viewing this month:
Podcasts are a great way to learn new things and hear from diverse voices, whether you’re on the go, doing some housework, on the treadmill — or just lounging!
While there are countless amazing podcasts by Black producers and creators, here are a few that stand out for Black History Month listening:
Whether you want to continue your anti-racism syllabus, enjoy the classic poetry and prose of Audre Lorde, or you’re looking for a new novel, add some Black writers to the top of your reading list ASAP.
As always, here are a few speedy suggestions to get you started:
While we’re always in favor of learning more about folks like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., or Malcolm X, we urge you to spend some time this Black History Month learning about lesser-known helpers in history.
Some options could include Claudette Colvin, another activist who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus; Shirley Chisholm, the first Black congresswoman in America; or Bayard Rustin, a close advisor to Martin Luther King Jr. and a leader in both civil and gay rights.
So much of modern music is built on Black history. Whether you’re a fan of jazz, hip hop, or even rock ‘n’ roll, you can thank Black musicians and culture makers for the tunes you hold so dearly.
Explore the Black Music History Library to find a “living collection of books, articles, documentaries, series, podcasts and more about the Black origins of traditional and popular music dating from the 18th century to present day.”
Folks, it’s time to spend your dollars like it’s June 2020. In fact, why don’t you make a habit of supporting Black-owned businesses all the time?
We encourage you to shop Black-owned for the fun stuff, but also to find Black retailers and service providers you can support with many of your regular purchases, too. Maybe you can hire a new accountant for tax season, find a new shop to buy your skincare products, or even stop into a local market to shop your produce.
There are bound to be any number of events, learning opportunities, celebrations, and more in your community throughout February. Find one, bring your family and friends, and connect!
If you can’t make it out or want to try a virtual option, the Library of Congress and other national organizations have a variety of panels, live streams, digital exhibits, and more you can add to your calendar.
Black History Month, just like all other awareness holidays, aren’t about you as an ally. Don’t post on social media about all the amazing things you’ve done to uplift the Black community.
Instead, quietly listen, learn, and support Black voices by amplifying their content. If you have a large platform, you can do creator takeovers or Q&As, too!
Black history month, it is an excellent time for you to go get a health checkup. At BPHN our whole goal was to look like and to be like and to be available for the people who look like you. Understand that it is okay for you to reach out and get the best care for you and your family.
Activism happens in the Senate and in the streets, but it also happens at our kitchen tables or on FaceTime. Embrace the weird, vulnerable feelings and have important conversations with the people in your lives.
Direct them to helpful resources to learn more about Black history, call them in and talk about why language matters, and discuss why they might support certain political candidates. These conversations do change minds and hearts, even when it feels easier to avoid them.
We do understand that this often takes a lot of emotional energy, so be sure you feel confident and comfortable with your boundaries when you engage with folks who might be more willing to pick a fight than learn something new.
From the Black Physicians & Healthcare Network - BPHN we wish you a happy Black history month.
Credit Kamrin Baker 38 Ways To Intentionally Celebrate Black History Month,
The BPHN program is a public-private partnership between Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and NCCF, funded primarily by the County with supplemental grants and donations secured by NCCF.
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